Отладочная информация:
Время генерации страницы:
Time: 0.219 sec.
Шаблон страницы:
SQL-запросы на странице:
[0] => SELECT permission_type FROM rems_rus_pages USE INDEX (PRIMARY) WHERE id = 139
[1] => SELECT pb.*, pb.id as block_id, m.name, m.title, m.id as mod_id, p.usr_group_id, number_of_fields, pt.main_module , IF(p.owner_id = 0, 1 , 0) as is_owner,
IF(p.owner_id = 0,
p.rights >> 8,
IF(ug.user_id IS NOT NULL ,
(p.rights & 0xF0) >> 4,
p.rights & 0xF
) AS user_rights FROM rems_rus_pages as p LEFT JOIN core_users_groups ug ON (ug.group_id = p.usr_group_id AND ug.user_id = 0 ) , rems_rus_pages_blocks as pb , rems_rus_pages_templates as pt , modules as m WHERE p.id = 139
AND p.tpl_id = pt.id AND p.id = pb.page_id
AND m.id = pb.module_id AND IF( p.owner_id = 0,
p.rights >> 8,
IF(ug.user_id IS NOT NULL ,
(p.rights & 0xF0) >> 4,
p.rights & 0xF
) > 0 ORDER BY field_number, block_rank
[2] => SELECT M.name FROM sites AS S, modules AS M, sites_modules AS SM WHERE alias='rems' AND S.id = site_id AND M.id=module_id AND active
[3] => select P.id, if(P.alias is not null and P.alias!='',LCASE(P.alias),P.id) AS prod_alias, if(C.alias is not null and C.alias!='',LCASE(C.alias),C.id) AS ctgr_alias FROM`rems_rus_catalog_products` P INNER JOIN `rems_rus_catalog_categories` C ON P.category_id=C.id HAVING prod_alias='1046h7' AND ctgr_alias='kupit_remen'
[4] => SELECT a.id AS id,
a.category_id AS category_id,
a.group_id AS group_id,
a.ptype_id AS ptype_id,
a.product_code AS product_code,
a.product_title AS product_title,
a.product_inf AS product_inf,
a.product_description AS product_description,
a.currency AS currency,
a.price_1 AS price_1,
a.price_2 AS price_2,
a.price_3 AS price_3,
a.price_4 AS price_4,
a.price_5 AS price_5,
a.image_middle AS image_middle,
a.image_big AS image_big,
a.product_availability AS product_availability,
a.active AS active,
a.rank AS rank,
a.description AS description,
a.keywords AS keywords,
if(a.alias is not null and a.alias!='', a.alias, a.id) as product_alias,
b.ptype_name AS ptype_title,
b.link AS ptype_link,
c.title AS categ_title,
d.group_title AS prod_grp,
c.page_description AS ctg_description,
c.keywords AS ctg_keywords,
if(c.alias is not null and c.alias!='', c.alias, c.id) as ctg_alias
FROM rems_rus_catalog_products a
INNER JOIN rems_rus_catalog_categories c ON a.category_id = c.id
LEFT JOIN rems_rus_catalog_ptypes b ON a.ptype_id = b.id
LEFT JOIN rems_rus_catalog_groups d ON d.id = a.group_id
WHERE a.id = 153
[5] => SELECT rank, sum(percent) value FROM rems_rus_shop_taxes WHERE active = 1 GROUP BY rank ORDER BY rank
[6] => SELECT rank, sum(percent) value FROM rems_rus_shop_taxes WHERE active = 1 GROUP BY rank ORDER BY rank
[7] => SELECT P.id, product_title, category_id, C.cleft, C.cright FROM rems_rus_catalog_products P INNER JOIN rems_rus_catalog_categories C ON category_id=C.id WHERE P.id=153
[8] => SELECT commentable FROM rems_rus_catalog_categories WHERE cleft<=7 AND cright>=8 AND commentable>0 ORDER BY cright LIMIT 1
[9] => SELECT * FROM rems_rus_comments_resource WHERE type=1 AND item_id=153
[10] => SELECT PT.*, P.search, P.range, P.ord FROM rems_rus_catalog_properties_table AS PT LEFT JOIN rems_rus_catalog_properties AS P ON P.group_id=0 AND P.property_id=PT.id WHERE P.property_id IS NOT NULL ORDER BY P.ord
[11] => SELECT * FROM rems_rus_catalog_property_values WHERE product_id=153
[12] => SELECT C.*, product_title, product_code, category_id, product_inf, currency, price_1, price_2, price_3, price_4, price_5, image_middle, image_big, product_availability, P.active, leader, novelty, ptype_name, PT.link AS ptype_link, if(P.alias is not null and P.alias!='', P.alias, P.id) as prod_alias, if(CT.alias is not null and CT.alias!='', CT.alias, CT.id) as ctg_alias FROM rems_rus_catalog_concerned_products AS C INNER JOIN rems_rus_catalog_products AS P ON C.concrn_id = P.id INNER JOIN rems_rus_catalog_categories CT ON CT.id=P.category_id LEFT JOIN rems_rus_catalog_ptypes AS PT ON P.ptype_id = PT.id WHERE C.type=0 AND C.prod_id = 153 AND P.active ORDER BY P.rank
[13] => SELECT C.*, product_title, product_code, category_id, product_inf, currency, price_1, price_2, price_3, price_4, price_5, image_middle, image_big, product_availability, P.active, leader, novelty, ptype_name, PT.link AS ptype_link, if(P.alias is not null and P.alias!='', P.alias, P.id) as prod_alias, if(CT.alias is not null and CT.alias!='', CT.alias, CT.id) as ctg_alias FROM rems_rus_catalog_concerned_products AS C INNER JOIN rems_rus_catalog_products AS P ON C.concrn_id = P.id INNER JOIN rems_rus_catalog_categories CT ON CT.id=P.category_id LEFT JOIN rems_rus_catalog_ptypes AS PT ON P.ptype_id = PT.id WHERE C.type=1 AND C.prod_id = 153 AND P.active ORDER BY P.rank
[14] => UPDATE rems_rus_catalog_products SET hits=IF(hits > 0, hits + 1, 1) WHERE id='153'
[15] => SELECT p.id, if(p.alias is not null and p.alias!='', p.alias, p.id) as alias, IF(p.owner_id = 0, 1 , 0) as is_owner,
IF(p.owner_id = 0,
p.rights >> 8,
IF(ug.user_id IS NOT NULL ,
(p.rights & 0xF0) >> 4,
p.rights & 0xF
) AS user_rights FROM rems_rus_catalog_products AS p LEFT JOIN core_users_groups ug ON (ug.group_id = p.usr_group_id AND ug.user_id = 0) WHERE category_id = 68 AND active=1 AND IF( p.owner_id = 0,
p.rights >> 8,
IF(ug.user_id IS NOT NULL ,
(p.rights & 0xF0) >> 4,
p.rights & 0xF
) > 0 ORDER BY rank, ptype_id
[16] => SELECT id, img, preview, rank FROM rems_rus_catalog_img WHERE prod_id=153 ORDER BY rank, img
[17] => SELECT prop_val_id FROM rems_rus_catalog_order_prop_val WHERE prod_id=153
[18] => SELECT * FROM rems_rus_catalog_properties_table WHERE 3=type ORDER BY id DESC
[19] => SELECT * FROM rems_rus_catalog_properties_def_values WHERE property_id IN (58) ORDER BY id
[20] => SELECT DISTINCT city_id, name, region, zone FROM counter_cities WHERE 3438076626 BETWEEN first_long_ip AND last_long_ip ORDER BY name
[21] => SELECT b.id, IF(b.owner_id = 0, 1 , 0) as is_owner,
IF(b.owner_id = 0,
b.rights >> 8,
IF(ug.user_id IS NOT NULL ,
(b.rights & 0xF0) >> 4,
b.rights & 0xF
) AS user_rights FROM rems_rus_banners b LEFT JOIN core_users_groups ug ON (ug.group_id = b.usr_group_id AND ug.user_id = 0) WHERE category_id = 55 AND ( ( max_showing = 0 AND ISNULL(show_from) AND ISNULL(show_to) ) OR showing < max_showing OR '2013-05-03' BETWEEN show_from AND show_to) AND active AND IF( b.owner_id = 0,
b.rights >> 8,
IF(ug.user_id IS NOT NULL ,
(b.rights & 0xF0) >> 4,
b.rights & 0xF
) > 0
[22] => SELECT * FROM rems_rus_banners WHERE id=41
[23] => UPDATE rems_rus_banners SET showing = showing + 1 WHERE id = 41
[24] => SELECT DISTINCT city_id, name, region, zone FROM counter_cities WHERE 3438076626 BETWEEN first_long_ip AND last_long_ip ORDER BY name
[25] => SELECT b.id, IF(b.owner_id = 0, 1 , 0) as is_owner,
IF(b.owner_id = 0,
b.rights >> 8,
IF(ug.user_id IS NOT NULL ,
(b.rights & 0xF0) >> 4,
b.rights & 0xF
) AS user_rights FROM rems_rus_banners b LEFT JOIN core_users_groups ug ON (ug.group_id = b.usr_group_id AND ug.user_id = 0) WHERE category_id = 58 AND ( ( max_showing = 0 AND ISNULL(show_from) AND ISNULL(show_to) ) OR showing < max_showing OR '2013-05-03' BETWEEN show_from AND show_to) AND active AND IF( b.owner_id = 0,
b.rights >> 8,
IF(ug.user_id IS NOT NULL ,
(b.rights & 0xF0) >> 4,
b.rights & 0xF
) > 0
[26] => SELECT * FROM rems_rus_banners WHERE id=47
[27] => UPDATE rems_rus_banners SET showing = showing + 1 WHERE id = 47
[28] => UPDATE core_users SET onsite=0 WHERE last_visit SELECT a.*, IF(a.owner_id = 0, 1 , 0) as is_owner,
IF(a.owner_id = 0,
a.rights >> 8,
IF(ug.user_id IS NOT NULL ,
(a.rights & 0xF0) >> 4,
a.rights & 0xF
) AS user_rights FROM rems_rus_articles a LEFT JOIN core_users_groups ug ON (ug.group_id = a.usr_group_id AND ug.user_id = 0) WHERE id = 83 AND active=1 AND IF( a.owner_id = 0,
a.rights >> 8,
IF(ug.user_id IS NOT NULL ,
(a.rights & 0xF0) >> 4,
a.rights & 0xF
) > 0
[30] => SELECT id, title, commentable FROM rems_rus_articles WHERE id=83 AND commentable>0
[31] => SELECT * FROM rems_rus_comments_resource WHERE type=4 AND item_id=83
[32] => UPDATE rems_rus_articles SET hits=IF(hits > 0, hits + 1, 1) WHERE id='83'
[33] => SELECT DISTINCT city_id, name, region, zone FROM counter_cities WHERE 3438076626 BETWEEN first_long_ip AND last_long_ip ORDER BY name
[34] => SELECT b.id, IF(b.owner_id = 0, 1 , 0) as is_owner,
IF(b.owner_id = 0,
b.rights >> 8,
IF(ug.user_id IS NOT NULL ,
(b.rights & 0xF0) >> 4,
b.rights & 0xF
) AS user_rights FROM rems_rus_banners b LEFT JOIN core_users_groups ug ON (ug.group_id = b.usr_group_id AND ug.user_id = 0) WHERE category_id = 60 AND ( ( max_showing = 0 AND ISNULL(show_from) AND ISNULL(show_to) ) OR showing < max_showing OR '2013-05-03' BETWEEN show_from AND show_to) AND active AND IF( b.owner_id = 0,
b.rights >> 8,
IF(ug.user_id IS NOT NULL ,
(b.rights & 0xF0) >> 4,
b.rights & 0xF
) > 0
[35] => SELECT * FROM rems_rus_banners WHERE id=52
[36] => UPDATE rems_rus_banners SET showing = showing + 1 WHERE id = 52
[37] => SELECT a.*, IF(a.owner_id = 0, 1 , 0) as is_owner,
IF(a.owner_id = 0,
a.rights >> 8,
IF(ug.user_id IS NOT NULL ,
(a.rights & 0xF0) >> 4,
a.rights & 0xF
) AS user_rights FROM rems_rus_articles a LEFT JOIN core_users_groups ug ON (ug.group_id = a.usr_group_id AND ug.user_id = 0) WHERE id = 4 AND active=1 AND IF( a.owner_id = 0,
a.rights >> 8,
IF(ug.user_id IS NOT NULL ,
(a.rights & 0xF0) >> 4,
a.rights & 0xF
) > 0
[38] => SELECT id, title, commentable FROM rems_rus_articles WHERE id=4 AND commentable>0
[39] => SELECT * FROM rems_rus_comments_resource WHERE type=4 AND item_id=4
[40] => UPDATE rems_rus_articles SET hits=IF(hits > 0, hits + 1, 1) WHERE id='4'
[41] => SELECT * FROM rems_rus_pages USE INDEX (index_2) WHERE ((parent_id = 0 OR branch!="" ) AND active = 1) OR is_default = 1 ORDER BY level, page_rank DESC
[42] => SELECT id, parent_id, title, address
FROM rems_rus_pages USE INDEX (index_3)
WHERE parent_id IN (210,152,218,314,261,298,286,403,406,287,300,418,301,312,139,262,206,264,280,219,291,205,325,216,242,198,265,277,307,302,303,365,337,366,336,304,306,305,370,311,288,338,421,419,420,422,423,424,425,426,427,428,429,430,431,432,433,434,435,436,289,372,395,214,237,200,208,253,251,212,315,346,440,407,271,275,273,272,274,320,321,322,332,333,334,335,339,342,347,362,369,375,376,377,340,392,400,437,438,439,441,207,290,258,293,292,295,317,318,380,382,345,278,383,326,328,327,330,363,364,368,276,269,351,354,352,353,355,356,417,396,399,357,358,359,360,398,410,402,411,416,390,385,412,384,413,389,404,401,415,386,393,394,405,414,387,409,408,388,391,244,211,296,331,323,349,341,343,379,381,378,344,348) AND
active = 1
ORDER BY page_rank desc
[43] => SELECT id, parent_id, title, address
FROM rems_rus_pages USE INDEX (index_3)
WHERE parent_id IN (210,152,218,314,261,298,286,403,406,287,300,418,301,312,139,262,206,264,280,219,291,205,325,216,242,198,265,277,307,302,303,365,337,366,336,304,306,305,370,311,288,338,421,419,420,422,423,424,425,426,427,428,429,430,431,432,433,434,435,436,289,372,395,214,237,200,208,253,251,212,315,346,440,407,271,275,273,272,274,320,321,322,332,333,334,335,339,342,347,362,369,375,376,377,340,392,400,437,438,439,441,207,290,258,293,292,295,317,318,380,382,345,278,383,326,328,327,330,363,364,368,276,269,351,354,352,353,355,356,417,396,399,357,358,359,360,398,410,402,411,416,390,385,412,384,413,389,404,401,415,386,393,394,405,414,387,409,408,388,391,244,211,296,331,323,349,341,343,379,381,378,344,348) AND
active = 1
ORDER BY page_rank desc
Cache: use_cache =
Вызываемые функции:
[178] => $PAGE["modules"]["catalog"] = new CatalogPrototype('assortment', '/catalog/?', Array
[1] =>
[2] => 1
[3] => 1
[4] =>
[5] =>
[tpl] =>
), tpl - catalog_product.html
[1719] => $PAGE["modules"]["banners"] = new BannersPrototype('showbanner', '/catalog/?', Array
[1] => 55
[2] =>
[3] =>
[4] =>
[5] =>
[tpl] =>
), tpl - banners_flash.html
[1703] => $PAGE["modules"]["banners"]->BannersPrototype('showbanner', '/catalog/?', Array
[1] => 58
[2] =>
[3] =>
[4] =>
[5] =>
[tpl] =>
), tpl - banners_flash.html
[497] => $PAGE["modules"]["siteusers"] = new SiteusersPrototype('loginform', '/community/?', Array
[1] =>
[2] =>
[3] =>
[4] =>
[5] =>
[tpl] =>
), tpl - siteusers_loginform.html
[2286] => $PAGE["modules"]["catalog"]->CatalogPrototype('showsearchform', '/catalog/?', Array
[1] => 3
[2] => 74
[3] => 17
[4] => undefined
[5] =>
[tpl] =>
), tpl - catalog_searchform.html
[2669] => $PAGE["modules"]["article"] = new ArticlePrototype('showarticle', '/catalog/?', Array
[1] => 83
[2] =>
[3] =>
[4] =>
[5] =>
[tpl] =>
), tpl - article.html
[2949] => $PAGE["modules"]["banners"]->BannersPrototype('showbanner', '/catalog/?', Array
[1] => 60
[2] =>
[3] =>
[4] =>
[5] =>
[tpl] =>
), tpl - banners_flash.html
[2933] => $PAGE["modules"]["article"]->ArticlePrototype('showarticle', '/catalog/?', Array
[1] => 4
[2] =>
[3] =>
[4] =>
[5] =>
[tpl] =>
), tpl - article.html
[-1] => $PAGE["modules"]["pages"] = new PagesPrototype('showmenu', '', Array
), tpl - pages_menu.html
[-2] => $PAGE["modules"]["pages"]->PagesPrototype('showsubmenu', '', Array
), tpl - pages_sub_menu.html
[-10] => $PAGE["modules"]["pages"]->PagesPrototype('showchilds', '', Array
[-3] => $PAGE["modules"]["pages"]->PagesPrototype('showheadtitle', '', Array
), tpl - pages_title.html
[-4] => $PAGE["modules"]["pages"]->PagesPrototype('showpath', '', Array
), tpl - pages_path.html
Переменные сессии:
[session_cur_site_id] => 2
[session_cur_lang_id] => 2
[catalog_last_viewed] => Array
[0] => 153
[catalog_rates] => Array
[USD/USD] => 1
[RUR/RUR] => 1
[USD/RUR] => 29.5764
[RUR/USD] => 0.0338107409962
[EUR/EUR] => 1
[EUR/RUR] => 39.7152
[RUR/EUR] => 0.025179276448312
[EUR/USD] => 1.3428
[USD/EUR] => 0.7447125