Отладочная информация:
Время генерации страницы:
Time: 0.096 sec.
Шаблон страницы:
SQL-запросы на странице:
[0] => SELECT permission_type FROM rems_rus_pages USE INDEX (PRIMARY) WHERE id = 307
[1] => SELECT pb.*, pb.id as block_id, m.name, m.title, m.id as mod_id, p.usr_group_id, number_of_fields, IF(p.owner_id = 0, 1 , 0) as is_owner,
IF(p.owner_id = 0,
p.rights >> 8,
IF(ug.user_id IS NOT NULL ,
(p.rights & 0xF0) >> 4,
p.rights & 0xF
) AS user_rights FROM rems_rus_pages as p LEFT JOIN core_users_groups ug ON (ug.group_id = p.usr_group_id AND ug.user_id = 0 ) , rems_rus_pages_blocks as pb , rems_rus_pages_templates as pt , modules as m WHERE p.id = 307
AND p.tpl_id = pt.id AND p.id = pb.page_id
AND m.id = pb.module_id AND IF( p.owner_id = 0,
p.rights >> 8,
IF(ug.user_id IS NOT NULL ,
(p.rights & 0xF0) >> 4,
p.rights & 0xF
) > 0 ORDER BY block_rank
[2] => SELECT M.name FROM sites AS S, modules AS M, sites_modules AS SM WHERE alias='rems' AND S.id = site_id AND M.id=module_id AND !admin_only AND active
[3] => SELECT M.name FROM sites AS S, modules AS M, sites_modules AS SM WHERE alias='rems' AND S.id = site_id AND M.id=module_id AND !admin_only AND active
[4] => SELECT M.name FROM sites AS S, modules AS M, sites_modules AS SM WHERE alias='rems' AND S.id = site_id AND M.id=module_id AND !admin_only AND active
[5] => SELECT M.name FROM sites AS S, modules AS M, sites_modules AS SM WHERE alias='rems' AND S.id = site_id AND M.id=module_id AND !admin_only AND active
[6] => SELECT p.*, DATE_FORMAT(begin_date,'%d.%m.%Y') as begin_date, DATE_FORMAT(end_date,'%d.%m.%Y') as end_date, IF(p.owner_id = 0, 1 , 0) as is_owner,
IF(p.owner_id = 0,
p.rights >> 8,
IF(ug.user_id IS NOT NULL ,
(p.rights & 0xF0) >> 4,
p.rights & 0xF
) AS user_rights FROM rems_rus_polls p LEFT JOIN core_users_groups ug ON (ug.group_id = p.usr_group_id AND ug.user_id = 0) WHERE begin_date <= CURDATE() AND end_date >= CURDATE() AND active = 1 AND IF( p.owner_id = 0,
p.rights >> 8,
IF(ug.user_id IS NOT NULL ,
(p.rights & 0xF0) >> 4,
p.rights & 0xF
[7] => UPDATE rems_rus_polls SET hits=IF(hits > 0, hits + 1, 1) WHERE id=''
[8] => SELECT M.name FROM sites AS S, modules AS M, sites_modules AS SM WHERE alias='rems' AND S.id = site_id AND M.id=module_id AND !admin_only AND active
[9] => SELECT M.name FROM sites AS S, modules AS M, sites_modules AS SM WHERE alias='rems' AND S.id = site_id AND M.id=module_id AND !admin_only AND active
[10] => SELECT DISTINCT city_id, name, region, zone FROM counter_cities WHERE 584016457 BETWEEN first_long_ip AND last_long_ip ORDER BY name
[11] => SELECT b.id, IF(b.owner_id = 0, 1 , 0) as is_owner,
IF(b.owner_id = 0,
b.rights >> 8,
IF(ug.user_id IS NOT NULL ,
(b.rights & 0xF0) >> 4,
b.rights & 0xF
) AS user_rights FROM rems_rus_banners b LEFT JOIN core_users_groups ug ON (ug.group_id = b.usr_group_id AND ug.user_id = 0) WHERE category_id = 61 AND ( ( max_showing = 0 AND ISNULL(show_from) AND ISNULL(show_to) ) OR showing < max_showing OR '2017-10-24' BETWEEN show_from AND show_to) AND active AND IF( b.owner_id = 0,
b.rights >> 8,
IF(ug.user_id IS NOT NULL ,
(b.rights & 0xF0) >> 4,
b.rights & 0xF
) > 0
[12] => SELECT * FROM rems_rus_banners WHERE id=54
[13] => UPDATE rems_rus_banners SET showing = showing + 1 WHERE id = 54
[14] => SELECT M.name FROM sites AS S, modules AS M, sites_modules AS SM WHERE alias='rems' AND S.id = site_id AND M.id=module_id AND !admin_only AND active
[15] => SELECT M.name FROM sites AS S, modules AS M, sites_modules AS SM WHERE alias='rems' AND S.id = site_id AND M.id=module_id AND !admin_only AND active
[16] => SELECT M.name FROM sites AS S, modules AS M, sites_modules AS SM WHERE alias='rems' AND S.id = site_id AND M.id=module_id AND !admin_only AND active
[17] => SELECT DISTINCT city_id, name, region, zone FROM counter_cities WHERE 584016457 BETWEEN first_long_ip AND last_long_ip ORDER BY name
[18] => SELECT b.id, IF(b.owner_id = 0, 1 , 0) as is_owner,
IF(b.owner_id = 0,
b.rights >> 8,
IF(ug.user_id IS NOT NULL ,
(b.rights & 0xF0) >> 4,
b.rights & 0xF
) AS user_rights FROM rems_rus_banners b LEFT JOIN core_users_groups ug ON (ug.group_id = b.usr_group_id AND ug.user_id = 0) WHERE category_id = 57 AND ( ( max_showing = 0 AND ISNULL(show_from) AND ISNULL(show_to) ) OR showing < max_showing OR '2017-10-24' BETWEEN show_from AND show_to) AND active AND IF( b.owner_id = 0,
b.rights >> 8,
IF(ug.user_id IS NOT NULL ,
(b.rights & 0xF0) >> 4,
b.rights & 0xF
) > 0
[19] => SELECT * FROM rems_rus_banners WHERE id=46
[20] => UPDATE rems_rus_banners SET showing = showing + 1 WHERE id = 46
[21] => SELECT M.name FROM sites AS S, modules AS M, sites_modules AS SM WHERE alias='rems' AND S.id = site_id AND M.id=module_id AND !admin_only AND active
[22] => SELECT DISTINCT city_id, name, region, zone FROM counter_cities WHERE 584016457 BETWEEN first_long_ip AND last_long_ip ORDER BY name
[23] => SELECT b.id, IF(b.owner_id = 0, 1 , 0) as is_owner,
IF(b.owner_id = 0,
b.rights >> 8,
IF(ug.user_id IS NOT NULL ,
(b.rights & 0xF0) >> 4,
b.rights & 0xF
) AS user_rights FROM rems_rus_banners b LEFT JOIN core_users_groups ug ON (ug.group_id = b.usr_group_id AND ug.user_id = 0) WHERE category_id = 59 AND ( ( max_showing = 0 AND ISNULL(show_from) AND ISNULL(show_to) ) OR showing < max_showing OR '2017-10-24' BETWEEN show_from AND show_to) AND active AND IF( b.owner_id = 0,
b.rights >> 8,
IF(ug.user_id IS NOT NULL ,
(b.rights & 0xF0) >> 4,
b.rights & 0xF
) > 0
[24] => SELECT * FROM rems_rus_banners WHERE id=49
[25] => UPDATE rems_rus_banners SET showing = showing + 1 WHERE id = 49
[26] => SELECT M.name FROM sites AS S, modules AS M, sites_modules AS SM WHERE alias='rems' AND S.id = site_id AND M.id=module_id AND !admin_only AND active
[27] => SELECT DISTINCT city_id, name, region, zone FROM counter_cities WHERE 584016457 BETWEEN first_long_ip AND last_long_ip ORDER BY name
[28] => SELECT b.id, IF(b.owner_id = 0, 1 , 0) as is_owner,
IF(b.owner_id = 0,
b.rights >> 8,
IF(ug.user_id IS NOT NULL ,
(b.rights & 0xF0) >> 4,
b.rights & 0xF
) AS user_rights FROM rems_rus_banners b LEFT JOIN core_users_groups ug ON (ug.group_id = b.usr_group_id AND ug.user_id = 0) WHERE category_id = 53 AND ( ( max_showing = 0 AND ISNULL(show_from) AND ISNULL(show_to) ) OR showing < max_showing OR '2017-10-24' BETWEEN show_from AND show_to) AND active AND IF( b.owner_id = 0,
b.rights >> 8,
IF(ug.user_id IS NOT NULL ,
(b.rights & 0xF0) >> 4,
b.rights & 0xF
) > 0
[29] => SELECT * FROM rems_rus_banners WHERE id=45
[30] => UPDATE rems_rus_banners SET showing = showing + 1 WHERE id = 45
[31] => SELECT M.name FROM sites AS S, modules AS M, sites_modules AS SM WHERE alias='rems' AND S.id = site_id AND M.id=module_id AND !admin_only AND active
[32] => SELECT M.name FROM sites AS S, modules AS M, sites_modules AS SM WHERE alias='rems' AND S.id = site_id AND M.id=module_id AND !admin_only AND active
[33] => SELECT M.name FROM sites AS S, modules AS M, sites_modules AS SM WHERE alias='rems' AND S.id = site_id AND M.id=module_id AND !admin_only AND active
[34] => SELECT M.name FROM sites AS S, modules AS M, sites_modules AS SM WHERE alias='rems' AND S.id = site_id AND M.id=module_id AND !admin_only AND active
[35] => SELECT M.name FROM sites AS S, modules AS M, sites_modules AS SM WHERE alias='rems' AND S.id = site_id AND M.id=module_id AND !admin_only AND active
Cache: use_cache =
[3276] => Блок 3276 модуля article с действием showarticle <- cache/rems_rus/remont-posudomoechnyh-mashin-7b0338db3c1aee9de7f7763ffea224c2-(307-2-3276-7).html
[2135] => Блок 2135 модуля article с действием showarticle <- cache/rems_rus/remont-posudomoechnyh-mashin-7b0338db3c1aee9de7f7763ffea224c2-(307-5-2135-7).html
[2128] => Блок 2128 модуля article с действием showarticle <- cache/rems_rus/remont-posudomoechnyh-mashin-7b0338db3c1aee9de7f7763ffea224c2-(307-3-2128-7).html
[2417] => Блок 2417 модуля article с действием showarticle <- cache/rems_rus/remont-posudomoechnyh-mashin-7b0338db3c1aee9de7f7763ffea224c2-(307-0-2417-7).html
[2126] => Блок 2126 модуля forum с действием lasttopics <- cache/rems_rus/remont-posudomoechnyh-mashin-7b0338db3c1aee9de7f7763ffea224c2-(307-1-2126-18).html
[2130] => Блок 2130 модуля news с действием alist <- cache/rems_rus/remont-posudomoechnyh-mashin-7b0338db3c1aee9de7f7763ffea224c2-(307-4-2130-5).html
[-1] => Блок -1 модуля pages с действием showmenu <- cache/rems_rus/remont-posudomoechnyh-mashin-7b0338db3c1aee9de7f7763ffea224c2-(307-1-1-3).html
[-2] => Блок -2 модуля pages с действием showsubmenu <- cache/rems_rus/remont-posudomoechnyh-mashin-7b0338db3c1aee9de7f7763ffea224c2-(307-1-2-3).html
[-10] => Блок -10 модуля pages с действием showchilds <- cache/rems_rus/remont-posudomoechnyh-mashin-7b0338db3c1aee9de7f7763ffea224c2-(307-1-10-10).html
[-3] => Блок -3 модуля pages с действием showheadtitle <- cache/rems_rus/remont-posudomoechnyh-mashin-7b0338db3c1aee9de7f7763ffea224c2-(307-1-3-3).html
[-4] => Блок -4 модуля pages с действием showpath <- cache/rems_rus/remont-posudomoechnyh-mashin-7b0338db3c1aee9de7f7763ffea224c2-(307-1-4-3).html
Вызываемые функции:
[2125] => $PAGE["modules"]["poll"] = new Poll('', '/remont-posudomoechnyh-mashin/?', Array
[1] =>
[2] =>
[3] =>
[4] =>
[5] =>
[3275] => $PAGE["modules"]["banners"] = new Banners('showbanner', '/remont-posudomoechnyh-mashin/?', Array
[1] => 61
[2] =>
[3] =>
[4] =>
[5] =>
[2127] => $PAGE["modules"]["banners"]->Banners('showbanner', '/remont-posudomoechnyh-mashin/?', Array
[1] => 57
[2] =>
[3] =>
[4] =>
[5] =>
[2132] => $PAGE["modules"]["banners"]->Banners('showbanner', '/remont-posudomoechnyh-mashin/?', Array
[1] => 59
[2] =>
[3] =>
[4] =>
[5] =>
[2134] => $PAGE["modules"]["banners"]->Banners('showbanner', '/remont-posudomoechnyh-mashin/?', Array
[1] => 53
[2] =>
[3] =>
[4] =>
[5] =>
Переменные сессии:
[session_cur_site_id] => 2
[session_cur_lang_id] => 2
[catalog_rates] => Array
[USD/USD] => 1
[RUR/RUR] => 1
[USD/RUR] => 29.5764
[RUR/USD] => 0.0338107409962
[EUR/EUR] => 1
[EUR/RUR] => 39.7152
[RUR/EUR] => 0.025179276448312
[EUR/USD] => 1.3428
[USD/EUR] => 0.74471254095919
Sat, 08 Apr 2017 02:39:35